The Truth Detectives: A Poker Player's Guide to a Complex World (Sunday 3 December @ Conway Hall)

The Truth Detectives: A Poker Player's Guide to a Complex World (Sunday 3 December @ Conway Hall) in London on 03 December 2023
The Truth Detectives: A Poker Player's Guide to a Complex World (Sunday 3 December @ Conway Hall) in London on 03 December 2023
Sunday, December 3, 2023, 1500 - 1630
Tackle life like a poker player. Let your critical thinking guide you through the jungle of disinformation - and on to success in the game of life. Offering insights from the latest psychology, neuroscience, game theory and more - science journalist and poker player Alex O'Brien assembles strategies we can all use to analyse the information that surrounds us every day. From reading body language to calculating risk, dealing with uncertainty and separating emotion from facts, her toolkit will help you make better decisions and understand what's happening around you.

Alex O'Brien is a London-based science writer. Her work has appeared in The Guardian, BBC, New Scientist and The Times. Shortlisted for Best Newcomer in 2016 by the Association of British Science Writers, of which she is now vice-chair, O'Brien is an advocate for early critical thinking; in 2022 she founded the Young Science Writer Award, aimed at engaging state-educated young people towards a career in STEM-related subjects.


Category: Attractions | Talks and Lectures

General Admission: GBP 9.00,
Concession (Full-time students, NHS Discount, Disability Living Allowance, PIP and Universal Credit recipients): GBP 6.00
Starting Price Per Person
£ 6.00 GBP
Other Information
Conway Hall
25 Red Lion Square
London WC1R 4RL
United Kingdom
( Multi-Purpose Events Venue )

Event Organizer Contact
Conway Hall
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Event ID: 223482

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