Project Management Course - 31st October 2023 - Impact Factory London

Project Management Course - 31st October 2023 - Impact Factory London in London on 31 October 2023
Project Management Course - 31st October 2023 - Impact Factory London in London on 31 October 2023
Tuesday, October 31, 2023, 1000 - 1700
This project management course teaches people skills rather than a methodology such as PRINCE.

It's an opportunity for you to look at the way you handle and manage the people on your projects.

Your project will live or die by the dedication of those involved in running it.

So our primary focus in this project management course is on getting the best out of all those involved - including you.

Course Objectives:

* Understanding People
* Processes & the Manager
* Involving People in Your Project
* Defining Exciting Project Outcomes
* Generating Ideas
* Motivating the Team
* Communication as a Management Tool
* Practical Tools and Techniques
* Giving Effective Feedback
* When Things are Going Well
* When They're Not
* Moving Projects On

What Our Delegates Say:

"I found the Project Management course to be really valuable. After the course, I managed to motivate a colleague to complete an overdue task within a short time frame, something which I have struggled with in the past."

Maryam Khan - Associate HR Professional - Médecins Sans Frontières

"I really enjoyed the Project Management course yesterday, I came away with new ways of thinking and fresh ideas to take back to the office."

Asha - Network and membership coordinator - NHS Providers

"The Project Management Course certainly gave me a positive attitude to make this project a success. Thanks to the training, I realised what the blind spots are and I was able to address them… and I will certainly use the materials you provided me in the next steps of my project and future projects".

Martha Kitta - Senior Learning & Development Consultant - Vlerick Business School


Category: Classes / Courses | Professional Training | Classes, Courses & Workshops

One Day Course: GBP 550.0
Starting Price Per Person
£ 550.00 GBP
Other Information
Impact Factory Professional Development Training & Courses
52 Upper Street
London United Kingdom N1 0QH
United Kingdom
( College - School - Training Center )

Event Organizer Contact
Deborah Kinsella
+44 (0)20 7226 1877
More Events
Event ID: 217591

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