A transformative era of action for the law and lawyers - 17-19 April 2024, Bogota

A transformative era of action for the law and lawyers - 17-19 April 2024, Bogota in Bogotá on 17 April 2024
A transformative era of action for the law and lawyers - 17-19 April 2024, Bogota in Bogotá on 17 April 2024
Wednesday, April 17, 2024 -- Friday, April 19, 2024, 1000 - 1245
Topics will include:
- The role of lawyers to help clients find and execute common
ground to foster a more sustainable and pragmatic approach to the energy
- The latest trends for investment and regulation: less sticks, more
carrots, with a growing focus on tax credits, project finance, permitting
reform, just transition and supply chain management
- Developing new legal skills: how contracts are evolving, the use
of collaborations and alliances for projects, trends in dispute resolution,
establishing governance regimes and how policies are being implemented
- Preparing for developments in reporting regimes and the evolution
of greenwashing litigation

Category: Conferences | Business & Economics | Legal

IBA member (on or before 6 March): USD 1115.00,
Non-member (on or before 6 March): USD 1365.00,
IBA member (After 6 March): USD 1280.00,
Non-member (After 6 March): USD 1530.00
Starting Price Per Person
$ 1115.00 USD
Other Information
Universidad Externado de Colombia
Calle 12 #1-17 Este
Bogotá 111711
( College - School - Training Center )

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Event ID: 230308

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