Alexandria Erg Sprints

Alexandria Erg Sprints in Alexandria on 03 February 2024
Alexandria Erg Sprints in Alexandria on 03 February 2024
Saturday, February 3, 2024, 0700 - 1500
On Saturday, February 3, 2024, Alexandria City High School hosts "Erg Sprints," the largest indoor rowing championship in America. (“Erg” is short for “ergometer,” an indoor rowing machine.)

Erg Sprints in Alexandria is expected to draw 1500 athletes in the day-long event, from high school students across Virginia to some of the country's most elite rowers.

Alexandria's Erg Sprints has long been a flagship competition for USRowing, due to the storied history of Alexandria City's crew program and its reputation as a training ground for top rowers and Olympians. Competitors at Erg Sprints are eligible to medal at the national level in 2K and 500M events, in addition to earning Erg Sprints medals. (Other host sites for USRowing include NWErgomania in Tacoma, WA, and the Pittsburgh Indoor Sprints in Pittsburgh, PA.)

Anyone can join or watch, and registration is open. To learn more or to sign up, go to the Erg Sprints website.

Category: Classes / Courses | Lifestyle, Arts, Leisure
Starting Price Per Person
Other Information
Alexandria City High School
3330 King Street
Alexandria Virginia 22302
United States
( College - School - Training Center )

Event Organizer Contact
Bridget Lowell

More Events
Event ID: 228354

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