Free orientation to horsemanship fundamentals clinics

Free orientation to horsemanship fundamentals clinics in Sedona on Saturday, February 17, 2024
Free orientation to horsemanship fundamentals clinics in Sedona on Saturday, February 17, 2024
Saturday, February 17, 2024, 0900 - 1200
For many people, part of the Western Experience is being on a horse. But are they prepared, confident, and safe?

This Saturday, February 17th, Cowboy Boot CampĀ® in the Village of Oak Creek is offering a free orientation to our Fundamentals Clinics that are scheduled through 2024. These clinics are 2-day sessions for beginner, intermediate and advanced adult riders to become a partner with a horse and not just a passenger on what can be some of the best times of your life - seeing the world from the back of a horse.

The orientation session will start at 9AM Saturday and include an overview of the clinic program, a few demonstrations, and ample time to ask questions and talk with Jim Moore, the instructor, and current Cowboy Boot Camp members. Copies of the 2024 schedule of clinics will be available.

Come by and learn about the opportunities for you, your friends and guests to have an immersive weekend of horsemanship that is tailored for adults at all levels of riding ability.

"Jim is an excellent, patient instructor. He's extremely knowledgeable and he's been doing this for a long time. He's got some of the sweetest, best-trained horses I have ever seen. And whether it's a group or one-on-one, Jim is just one of the finest instructors you'll find anywhere."

Space is limited and reservations are required. Visit: or email

Category: Classes / Courses | Lifestyle, Arts, Leisure
Starting Price Per Person
Other Information
Cowboy Boot Camp Horsemanship
5 Sanctuary Way
Sedona Arizona 86351
United States
( College - School - Training Center )

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Event ID: 230207

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