Integrative Mental Health Intensive Workshop

Integrative Mental Health Intensive Workshop in Florida on 20 January 2024
Integrative Mental Health Intensive Workshop in Florida on 20 January 2024
Saturday, January 20, 2024 -- Sunday, January 21, 2024, 0900 - 1600
Join clinician Shari B. Kaplan, LCSW for a two- day CME accredited workshop
providing an in-depth approach to best practices for integrative mental health.

Schedule as follows;

Day 1

8:30 am - 9:00 am - Registration opens

9:00 am - 9:30 am - Morning brain health exercise - learn how to get your patient ready for a session

9:30 am - 12:00 pm - Comprehensive bio-psycho-social assessment - learn a holistic framework for gathering patient history and data to build an integrated treatment plan

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm - Lunch break - enjoy a healthy meal with dietary options to fuel up for the afternoon sessions

Afternoon Sessions
1:00 pm - 1:55 pm - Using plant medicine safely and effectively - guidance on leveraging plants in mental healthcare

2:00 pm - 2:55 pm - Plant medicine vs. Pharmacology - combining natural and conventional approaches for a holistic protocol, how is plant medicine helpful to mental health patients, what to use and when

3:00 pm - 3:55 pm - Exercises for trauma release -learn how to use movement to unlock stored emotions and memories in the body

4:00 pm - 4:55 pm - Brain-body exercises - learn techniques to engage the body through breath, motion, and awareness to heal the brain

5:00 pm - Q and A - Opportunity to ask questions and clarify concepts from the day's sessions

Day 2

9:00 am - 9:15 am - Move the body focus the mind - 15 min warmup to start the day focused and energized

9:20 am - 10:00 am - Tools for teaching self-regulation skills - equip patients with practical methods for managing emotions and behavior

10:00 am - 10:55 am - The role of nutrition in mental health - explore the gut-brain connection and how diet impacts mood and cognition

11:00 am - 11:55 am - Music and movement for trauma healing - use rhythm, dance, and body awareness for releasing stuck energies

12:00 pm - 1:00 pm - Lunch break - enjoy a healthy meal with dietary options to fuel up for the afternoon sessions

1:00 pm - 1:55 pm - Meditation, mindfulness and breathwork techniques - learn practices to bring patients into the present moment for healing

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm - EMDR, IFS and ego state work - understand how to apply these modalities in treatment plans

3:00 pm - 4:00 pm - Time management and Treatment Plan - putting your comprehensive treatment plan into your weekly therapy schedule

4:00 pm - Q and A - opportunity to ask questions and clarify concepts from the workshop

Reserve your spot now!

Category: Conferences | Science, Health and Medicine
Starting Price Per Person
$ 956.88 USD
Other Information
712 E Palmetto Park Rd
Boca Raton
Florida 33432
United States
( Multi-Purpose Events Venue )

Event Organizer Contact
Shari B Kaplan
More Events
Event ID: 228313

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