Krav Maga Self-Defense Seminar

Krav Maga Self-Defense Seminar in New York on 04 November 2023
Krav Maga Self-Defense Seminar in New York on 04 November 2023
Saturday, November 4, 2023, 1000 - 1300
Krav Maga (Krav) is the official self-defense system of the Israeli Defense Forces. It has become one of the most widely recognized and preferred self-defense methods. The main objective of Krav is to bring individuals of all abilities, ages, and body types to a high level of proficiency in a short time. Krav will prepare you mentally and physically to help avoid and prevent attacks. It will also allow you to defend yourself confidently in today's world.

This seminar will introduce you to Krav. This seminar requires no previous martial arts training. We will discuss situational awareness, and the impact awareness has on you and a potential assailant. Since physical force is a last resort, we will discuss alternative means to de-escalate a situation. Once a situation becomes physical, the goal is to escape the threat as quickly and efficiently as possible. In this seminar, you will learn several strikes that can be utilized in various self-defense situations. You will also learn defenses to some of the most common attacks.

About the Instructor:

James Boglioli has a black belt in Krav Maga. He earned his CT 707 Israeli Krav System Instructor Certification under Nir Maman. He continues to train and take additional coursework, including Violent Threat Mitigation (2021), Defense Against Handgun Threats and Edged Weapon Countermeasures (2019), Point Driven Strategies (2018) and Threat Survival Instructor Certification (2017). James earned a B.S. in Natural Resources from Cornell University, where he started his training in Judo. He has a law degree from Hofstra University. While relocating to the Buffalo area for a new job, he discovered Krav Maga. He was impressed by the simplicity and practicality of the system and recognized that Krav Maga could provide anyone with the practical tools to defend themselves against violent confrontations. He has been teaching self-defense classes since 2015.

*Limited to 30 participants.

Category: Community | Health and Safety
Starting Price Per Person
Other Information
787 Delaware Ave
New York 14209
United States
( Multi-Purpose Events Venue )

Event Organizer Contact
Sarah O'Boyle
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Event ID: 224531

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